Senin, Maret 07, 2016
P erkembangan Profesi Arsitektur Lansekap di china menunjukan pertumbuhan yang sangat luar biasa baik jumlah perguruan tingginya yang melampaui jumlah di USA maupun tingginya nilai gaji yang didapatkan oleh setiap praktisi Arsitek Lansekap disana.

Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi demikian ? dan aspek apa yang menyebabkannya ? Hal apa yang menjadi latar belakang kemajuan pesat berkembanganya ilmu Arsitektur Lansekap di china

Artikel oleh Daniel Jost (Artikel bulan February 2013 landscape Architecture Magazine) dibawah ini sekiranya dapat sedikit memberikan penjelasan dan wawasan tentang pesatnya kemajuan disiplin ilmu dan profesi Arsitektur Lansekap di China , yang dilakukan dengan proses diskusi antara

The Panelists (clockwise from top left): Jeff Hou, ASLA; Zhifang Wang; Kongjian Yu, FASLA; Ron Henderson, FASLA; Frederick R. Steiner, FASLA; Binyi Liu, Honorary ASLA; Chuo Li; Daniel Jost, ASLA; Jie Hu, International ASLA

THE GREAT EXCHANGE From the February 2013 issue of LAM:

By Daniel Jost

Professors from both sides of the Pacific talk about the amazing cultural exchange happening between American and Chinese universities and the rising stature of landscape architecture in China.

A decade and a half ago, the Chinese government “canceled” landscape architecture education in China. Some bureaucrats decided the discipline was superfluous. 
Today, the profession of landscape architecture is growing in that country like nowhere else in the world. Landscape architects are among China’s most highly paid professionals, and Chinese students are flooding into American universities to study landscape architecture at an unprecedented rate.

Meanwhile, landscape architecture education has come back into favor in China, and Chinese universities have established or reestablished nearly 200 landscape architecture programs in less than a decade.

Some of the people who lead China’s most influential programs studied in the United States, and some of the programs have strong connections with American academics. Tsinghua University’s landscape architecture program was established with the help of a team of American landscape architects led by Laurie Olin, FASLA, of the University of Pennsylvania. Patrick Miller, FASLA, a longtime professor at Virginia Tech, is the honorary chair of landscape studies at Tongji University in Shanghai.

Yet the teaching of landscape architecture in China is often quite different from what U.S. students would recognize—many Chinese programs make a stronger connection between education and practice. And what each program teaches is, for the moment, less standardized than even America’s highly diverse programs. Right now, China has no system for accrediting landscape architecture education, though efforts are under way to change that.

In December, we brought together eight academics from the United States and China to talk about the cultural exchange taking place between their countries and issues educators face in China as they try to build the profession there.

Four of the panelists live and work primarily in China.

Kongjian Yu, FASLA, whose work appears in this month’s issue, is the founder and dean of Peking University’s College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, the president of Turenscape, and a visiting professor at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design.

Jie Hu, International ASLA, is an associate professor at Tsinghua University and the director of the Research Center for Landscape Architecture Planning at the Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Planning and Design Institute—best known for its design of Beijing’s Olympic Forest Park.

Binyi Liu, Honorary ASLA, heads the landscape architecture department at Tongji University in Shanghai, and he is also an adjunct lecturer at Virginia Tech. Liu was recently named the vice chairman of the Education Steering Committee in Landscape Architecture for China’s National Institution of Higher Education. And

Zhifang Wang recently became an associate professor at Peking University. For the past four years, she has been an assistant professor at Texas A&M University. All of our Chinese panelists have studied in the United States.

Our panel also included four American academics with extensive knowledge of the landscape architecture profession in China.

Frederick R. Steiner, FASLA, is the dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin. He was formerly a visiting professor at Tsinghua University and has served as an adviser to Peking University.

Ron Henderson, FASLA, was an associate professor of landscape architecture at Tsinghua University for six years before returning to the United States to chair Pennsylvania State University’s landscape architecture program in 2011.

Jeff Hou, ASLA, chairs the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Washington and has led a studio focused on earthquake recovery in Sichuan, China. And, finally,

Chuo  Li is an assistant professor at Mississippi State University. She grew up in China’s Fujian province and studied in China before pursuing graduate studies in the United States. 

The conversation occurred over Skype. What follows are edited and condensed highlights, which have been corrected, in places, for language variations.

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posted by smartlandscape at 15.30 | Permalink | 0 comments
Jumat, Maret 04, 2016
p raktisi arsitek lansekap selalu terikat dengan pembayaran fee design, meskipun besaran nilai pembayaran bukanlah faktor utama akan tetapi konsep yang berisikan solusi menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan dan prestasi seorang praktisi Arsitek Lansekap.
Inovasi kreatif merupakan ruang penjelajahan bagi seorang arsitek lansekap menemukan jati diri dan identitas Arsitektur Lansekap Indonesia.

Penawaran besaran jasa pelayanan kepraktisian ternyata membelit masuk kedalam ruang saat proses kreatif berlangsung,Selain aspek waktu yang menjadi parameter menentukan waktu mungkin tidak ada salahnya perlu pertimbangan lain saat menentukan besaran nilai fee jasa.

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posted by JOHN F.PAPILAYA at 17.21 | Permalink | 0 comments
Sketsa freehand di abaikan

D iera digital CAD merajai sudut ruang studio setiap biro Arsitek Lansekap, berjajar LED monitor bergaya megah di meja seorang praktisi Arsitektur Lansekap  , keberadaan meja gambar A0 Max atau MUTOH hanya sebagai prasyarat untuk hanya sekedar menjadi ciri khas ruang kerja sebuah studio biro arsitek.

Keyboard, pen stylus dan mouse berhasil mencuri kedudukan singgasana ruang, mengalahkan kejayaan rapido, spidol marvy, pinsil warna. Tidak ada terlihat sebatang rapido ada disetiap kantong seorang arsitek lansekap tergantikan dengan tas tenteng yang berisikan laptop sebagai alat berkomunikasi antara mereka maupun dengan klien. 
Mencoba mencari keberadaan kertas kalkir atau kertas roti di setiap biro arsitek merupakan barang langka, meskipun terkadang oleh beberapa biro arsitek benda benda tersebut tetap menjadi material studio dominan yang wajib harus ada. 

Keheningan saat menikmati komposisi warna dan ruang tanpa harus memperhatikan fungsi menjadi suasana yang sangat dirindukan, momen menjalin komunikasi dengan tapak saat tangan secara analog manual  menggerakan ujung rapido atau ujung pinsil 2 B menjadi suatu hal yang tidak ternyatakan lagi , sehingga keterikatan ide pikiran dengan tapak seakan memiliki batas yang nyata mengingkari bahwa menggambar adalah medium media komunikasi . digital menghilangkan kewarasan saat membuat sebuah garis yang mengandung detail yang padat yang kadang membutuhkan tangan yang stabil dan kesabaran yang luar biasa.

Membereskan berlembar lembar hasil disain selama berpraktisi dan harus membuangnya merupakan suatu pengalaman batin yang aneh dan terasa janggal , terpaksa harus memilah lembar yang baik dan tidak bagus menjadi tantangan bagaikan memilih mana sahabat ruang yang harus pergi dan sahabat ruang yang harus tetap disimpan. 


melepaskan berbagai kenangan dan suka duka yang tersimpan disetiap lembar sketsa freehand

Akan tetapi ruang studio harus tetap dibersihkan dari lembar lembar gambar yang tidak terpakai lagi demi atas nama efisiensi ruang studio dan modernitas, menggusur tempat mereka dan menggantikan dengan jajaran monitor-monitor graphis digital. 

Terakhir kali melihat lembar-lembar gambar bagaikan melepas sesuatu dari memori sepanjang waktu berpraktisi. Menggambar yag merupakan medium universal komunikasi perlu di benahi,memang ada rasa terkejut akan perampasan pensil dan kertas kalkir dengan stylus dan mouse graphis yang mampu menghadirkan kebebasan untuk teknik teknik baru dan bentuk bentuk inovatif yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya,mampu membuat interprestasi visual menjadi lebih menarik meskipun menjadikannya homogemoni cita rasa.


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posted by JOHN F.PAPILAYA at 16.54 | Permalink | 0 comments